
Taj Ma-Hen Week 6

April 9th, 2012

I became unemployed on Monday, April 2, but that doesn’t mean I spend all of my time on the chicken shed. I did work most of the time on it, but this week I had to do a few other things. My Bees came on April 8th so Saturday and Sunday were bee preparation and installation days.

I finished the siding, put down the insulated floor and finished the interior paneling. I also made a good start on the door. Since the door is so small, I can’t buy one ready made, so I am making it out of layers of plywood, and some nice knotty pine siding. The complication is building a window into the door. The door itself will take about 20 hours of work by the time that I’m done.

Next up after the door is to start work on the chicken run. This is more complicated than it sounds. I have to make the run so that Racoons can’t get in. This means fencing on all sides including the top. I have to attach the fencing to the shed without destroying all of my nice siding and moldings. I have to clear out the piles of stuff that I’ve been storing near the shed, because it is in the way.

I have to stay focused on this, yet still keep track of the bees’ progress and start my job search.

Pictures of the shed after Week 6:

This was an accidental picture that showed my backyard as it would appear if it was on the side of a hill. I liked it.

The silver tarp covers stuff that came out of the old shed that was crushed in the October storm.

I have to take down the swamp maples that are just a little too close to the shed. The new siding looks good as is, but it won’t stay that way so I’ll stain it gray when I finish everything else.

View from the Cemetery. The blue tarp and other crap goes away soon.