Saturday Nuc Pickup

Betterbee called a little while back to tell me that my Bee Package was delayed yet again so I canceled the order. I was under the impression that the $5 cancellation fee was waived because they were so late. I was mistaken. The end of May is too late to install a bee package as the Month of May around here is prime bee time.

I called Paul Simoes up in Rhode Island. He was coming in with a truck of Nucs on May 4. I couldn’t make it on Monday, but I asked him to hold one for me for Saturday. He says I can pick it up around noon. It’s a four hour ride, but I’m going to get my nuc for the last hive.

My other hives are doing so well that I am concerned about swarming. They are in a single deep box and the last time I looked they were both packed full of comb. I just got word that Brushy Mountain finally shipped my frames and foundation last night, so I should have that by next Tuesday and I will put two medium supers on the April hives and that should (I hope) discourage swarming for a bit.

I need to find a cheaper source of wood. I would like to have a spare hive. At Brushy Mountain I am paying 50% over the catalog price for shipping. I don’t like it when companies try to make a profit by doubling the shipping costs the way that the bee companies do. The shipping price should be the actual cost plus a little for the box.

When I bought my supers from Bruce Morgan in Georgia, the shipping was reasonable. I wonder if he makes hive kits?