Lots of Stinging Going On.

I went down to Montville, NJ to get my nucs. It took about an hour each way, counting stops for garage sales.

When I got home I suited up and set up the material for doing lots of bee maintenance.

1) I set up the supers for the two hives I got in April. They have filled up the supers with comb and it’s time for honey.

2) I set up a feeder for the Connie hive that I split. When I split it, I did not have a top feeder so I have been feeding half with a front feeder.

3) I set up to add a deep to the other half of Connie. She is now one deep and a honey super, but she needs another deep.

4) I set up the new hives for the nucs.

First thing that I found was that the frames in the nucs were medium frames. I had set up deeps for them. I thought about using the deep and letting them make their own comb off thebottom of the frame, which is not a real problem for the bees, but I have plenty of medium boxes so I changed plans and put a medium on the bottom and a deep on top of that. It went fast and the bees seem happy with the transition.

I have 14 extra medium frames and 20 extra deep frames. The next time that I order wood, I have to remember not to order frames.

Next I put the honey supers on the two new hives (I have to name them). No problem. They were agitated but that is good because there were a huge amount of bees in them and that means they are doing well. The deeps that I gave them had old comb on them so they filled it out fast and there was capped honey in the top deep. Very good. I will be able to harvest honey from the medium supers if the nectar keeps up.

Next I put the feeder on one half of Connie – She was very upset with me and I was stung through the glove.

Next, I tried to take the other half of Connie apart. This is a very strong hive with a huge population and they have made crazy comb all over the place, gluing everything together. I was stung multiple times through the gloves and once through the veil on my ear.

Connie was so upset with so many bees attacking me that I decided that I would come back and smoke her to get her apart.

I went back and unsuited and sat for a few minutes. I went back then to see if there was anything really wrong. One of the feeders is not straight and I will fix that. A bee attacked my hair and before I knew it, I had another sting on the back of my head.

I have a nasty headache from the sting.

I need a beer, but there is none in the house.