Honey Makes You Popular

I gave away a few of the baby food jars of honey. The overwhelming response has been More! More! I am not sure how the word got out, but I could sell my entire honey crop at work if I wanted.

So far I have been giving away the free samples to friends. I have not sold anything yet. It seems a wrong to part with the golden stuff for mere cash. The bees worked so hard to make it and I had so many sleepless nights worrying about the hives. I want to keep the stuff forever.

I have decided to sell it for $6 a 12 oz bear. This is high, but it is not as high as the organic honey in the health food stores. If people think it is too much, then let them go down the street. It will be hard giving the stuff up. I should get upwards to $120 if I sell it all. Not much, but a good start to paying for all the bees and their houses.

Next step is to paint a sign.