Hive Entrance in the Rain

It has rained here so much in July that I think I may have lost the Ethel hive. Ethel was the only hive that was not disturbed by kids. I have read that one of the greatest threats to hive health is humidity. Perhaps the humidity sickened Ethel. There is very little activity on her front stoop. Only an occasional bee goes in and out. Today, of course, is not a good day for checking because it is raining, but yesterday morning I saw only a lonely bee or two entering or leaving the hive.

I will check inside the hive if it ever stops raining.

By way of contrast, here is a picture of Connie’s entrance:


Lots of activity in Connie, even in the pouring rain. That’s propolis on the left. I think they are trying to close up the entrance way a little.

Martha, the hive that trashed by kids, also shows some activity, although not as much.
