Bottling Honey Today

Yesterday I extracted the honey from the hives that froze to death over the winter. This is core honey from the bottom of the hive. This honey is supposed to have the most medicinal value, full of anti-oxidants. This is honey made by the bees for the queen. If you are looking for honey for allergies or for what ever else ails you, this is the stuff.

The honey is a deep dark brown. It has a very spicy taste, very different from any honey we harvested last year. I like it. I had a spoonful on my oatmeal this morning, and I must say it has a tang to it that I did not expect.

Erica is bottling it today and we will get around two dozen 18 bears, I think. This will sell out in a week or so.

As ever, if the sign is out at the foot of the driveway, we still have some bottles left.