Bees arrived

About 9am the bee guy called sayying he was in New Jersey and had a Box truck so he couldn’t use the parkway. I sent him to Fort Lee and up Rt. 9w. It took him about an hour and a half to get to West Nyack from Saddle Brook. He said he had almost 50 nucs to deliver.

About 10:20 I got a call and had to go meet him. He had already received one ticket and was afraid he was going to get more. I had to ride down into town and get the nucs. It was no place to check them other than they held live bees. They were calm so I am guessing that there was a queen.

I drove them back, put on my white hoodie and moved the bees from the nuc to the hive. All went well until I had some trouble with the frames. They were all glued together funny so I had to pry them apart. This upset the hive. One of the bees in the “Connie” hive decided that my eyebrow was threatening so it gave me a sting. The sting was very mild and did not turn red or swell at all.

I got them all packed away with some sugar water in the feeders and went off to work. I hope that they are still there when I get back.

I had to $5 each for the cardboard nuc boxes. I will clean them out and put some frames in them and some phemerone. I’ll leave them at some friend’s houses and see if I can catch a swarm in one of them – not likely in this area, but still possible.

Here I am putting the frames from a nuc into a “Connie”.